Sanna Koivisto

Sanna Koivisto selfie

Visual artist and skulpture Sanna Koivisto from Finland

I’ve been a professional artist/sculptor since 1978. My art consist of small sculptures, paintings, portraits, drawings, several public monuments and some environment art.

My roots are in northern Finland which can be seen in my art. Environment, animals and human nature are my tools to interpret global issues.


Single exhibitions: Museum of Oskari Jauhiainen.  1998,2006,2010. Hagelstam gallery in Helsinki.1995. Museum of central Finland, Jyväskylä, 1993. Art museum of Lapinlahti,1991. Art museum of Aine, Tornio,1991. Art museum of Oulu ,1986,1994,1996

KulttuuriKauppila 2005, and 2017 my own retrospektive for 40 years. 


Joint exhibitions: Suvi Pinks, 2001,2000. Gallery Brinkkala, Turku 1995. 


International exhibitions: Szigentszentmiklos and Szentendre , Hungary 1990


Sanna Koivisto 

Kauppilantie 15b

91100. Ii

1. Sanna Koivisto

”Vaarallinen ohitus / Dangerous bypass”, 2011, Mixed technic, The own collection


2. Sanna Koivisto

”Kärsimys Madonna/ The suffering Madonna, 2011, acrylic- carbon-sand, The own collection

3. Sanna Koivisto

” Raha morsian sarjasta Myydyt morsiamet / The Monetary bride from series Sold brides”, 2018, plaster and paper money


4. Sanna Koivisto

” Kukin vuorollaan / Each in turn ” a series of ” Elämää varten / For the life", 2018,technic charcoal-acryl, Ii, Hamina school

5. Sanna Koivisto

” Matka mahdollisuuksien ovelle/ A journey to the door of opportunity”, 1997, bronze, 100th anniversary monument of Kemi Lyceum


6. Sanna Koivisto

”Ylpeä alistaja / The proud subjugator”, 2003, acrylic- carbon-sand, The own collection

7. Sanna Koivisto

”Valtiaiden sukua/ Relatives of the rulers, 2004, ceramics, The own collection


8. Sanna Koivisto

Exhibition view from Rovaniemi, 2003

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