Grethe Tranberg

Grethe Tranberg in her studeo

Visual artist Grethe Tranberg from Denmark


Grethe Tranberg was born in 1947, has been a private student of Svend Wiig Hansen and has exhibited at both the artists autumn exhibition (KE) and artists Summer exhibition (KS) in addition to the exhibitions both in Denmark and abroad. She is a member of image artist's Association (BKF), female artists ' Society (PPS), Artist Group MULT and artist Association 18 nobr. When Ravi has for many years been moving in an esoteric landscape with many multi-faceted manufacturing forms, it is natural that there is a certain offset in image perception. Although it can be said that Grethe has been very faithful towards his imagery has to be pleased that at the same time, she has managed the difficult art and with the important core (which calls for distinctive) preserved. For those who have followed her, it is not necessary with long descriptions and explanations, we know that it started in Sunday school, as we know, she was once on the side of the Mediterranean who belong to Africa, and that she has been in Rome and Tuscany. Also, we know that she does not draw, butis a painterand paint all hers characters and landscapes by the painting chaos that occurs when one starts spontaneously and with the inner Tablet completely blank.



Grethe Tranberg painting imaginative pictures of animals and humans in a interaction that is both dramatic and expressive, but also in the balance. Here appearing Angels with naturalness in archetypal modes in a modern colorfull language. She is inspired by medieval imagery and Tuscany's mythological creatures with and without wings in a fertile hilly landscape. Together with the naïve expression and a strong expressive style is Grethe the big storyteller in her paintings. Here's what Grethe even slices of her painting: "I'm working on that color must live, be deep, textuality, vibrating and organic, the form supports the color: the color becomes form, it will be moving and provide motive and history.



Grethe Tranberg

Erik Menveds vej 2,2 tv. 1965 Frederiksberg C

Fastnet:   35 39 58 49. Mobil:      22 93 62 93

Mail:         kunsten050@me.c

Se mere:  Hjemmeside

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Grethe Tranberg

oil on canvas


Grethe Tranberg

oil on canvas

Grethe Tranberg

oil on canvas


Grethe Tranberg

oil on canvas

Grethe Tranberg

oil on canvas


Grethe Tranberg


Grethe Tranberg

oil on canvas


Grethe Tranberg
