Esben Fog

Esben Fog at an exhibition at Pakhuset Gallery, Nykoebing Sealand, DK 2019
Photographer Esben Fog from Denmark
Photographer Esben Fog
Esben Fog has held photographic exhibitions since the late 1990’s.
Esben has a narrative approach to his work, working mainly with staged photography. This entails arranged scenes, with carefully choreographed, planned images. Rather than recording and interpreting the physical world, he creates alternative realities in small figurative worlds, where the observer is invited in to explore and participate in these new realities that in turn slowly disclose yet more narratives.
Esben has worked mainly with film/analogue techniques and is now increasingly working with digital format.
Esben’s portfolio is primarily of the nude human body. Clothing gives a figure a defined identity, situated in a defined time. Unclothed the figure transcends time and place and becomes universal.
Esben is a member of the “Danish historical photographical Society” and finds inspiration from the works of old photographers such as Henry Peach Robinson and Oscar Gustav Rejlander. Painters have also been a rich source of inspiration.
Exhibitions in art galleries, public places, cafes and restaurants in Denmark, among them “The Danish Museum of Photographic Arts.”
Latest exhibitions:
2019: Pakhuset kulturhus, Nykøbing Sj, (art museum and cultural center on Sealand). 2018: 7 exhibitions, among them “vARTe” (art museum and cultural center in Jutland) and “Odeon” a new cultural center in central Odense. 2017: 4 exhibitions, among them “SAK” (Svendborg art museum and gallery). Esben Fog’s work has been featured in newspapers and photo magazines, among them “Danish photography” and “Kunstavisen” (The artmagasin). Short documentary on Danish television.
Esben Fog.
Edvard Brandes Gade 15. 5000 Odense C site:
+45 40 25 47 52

Esben Fog 2021 Mannerist photo with Dolls
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Esben Fog 2017 Vanitas I
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Esben Fog 2020 Ezekiel´s Prophesy
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Esben Fog 1999 Inhibited II
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Esben Fog 2001 The Attic
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Esben Fog 2016 Live Pictures III
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Esben Fog 2019 Journeying
Size: the photo can be reproduced in different sizes
Esben Fog 2021 The Fountain
Size: the photo can be reproduced in different sizes
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